Bundy Greyhounds Closed to the General Public
Fri 3 April 2020
Bundaberg Greyhound Race meetings are closed to the public and considered a 'Workplace'.
We are restricted to Regional Racing which means Local trainers only, no visiting trainers may nominate or attend.
We are being guided by Racing Queensland & QRIC to minimize community risks associated with the COVID-19 virus and we are committed to social distancing.
This simple graphic may give you a quick appreciation of why it's important that we work together on this.
Only Race Participants will be permitted entry.
Only licensed Trainers who have dogs nominated for the race meeting will be permitted entry - along with their licensed Catchers.
- Owners are not permitted.
- Family and friends are not permitted.
- No on-course betting facilities [that means NO TAB, NO Bookies]
- No Bar or Canteen
Only staff & volunteers who are key race-day personnel may attend the race course.
As explained above, Social Distancing must be enforced in racing and non-racing areas of the precinct.
We have placed X's on the ground in greyhound marshalling areas to give a clear indication of distance, so you can comply. [it's roughly two arm-lengths apart OK?]
Should you have any queries or concerns, we urge you to check the Press Releases on the Racing Queensland website.
We wish you all a safe harbour in this time of health concerns.
Racing Queensland further advises that access will not be permitted to any key race-day personnel that;
- Is suffering from COVID-19 symptoms or is unwell
- Has been to a country considered high risk in past 14 days
- Is subject to a self-isolation requirement
- Has been in close contact with persons suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19